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Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Natalia's New Born Photo Shoot

I had totally planned on blogging Natalia's newborn pictures yesterday but the Instagram world was struck by devastating news and it just didn't seem right as I spent the day holding my little ones a little bit tighter. For those who know I am a blogger and an avid Instagram user that I use as my creative outlet where I get to share my love of fashion, baby fashion and all things girly. However, one of my fave things about Instagram is following other mommys that share the same interests and most importantly the love for their family and children. It's such a beautiful thing seeing other families and watching their children grow that you feel like you personally know them and become invested and apart of their family. Well something tragic happened to one of the most beautiful little boys that thousands of people follow. Little Ryan was chasing a frisbee that had rolled into the street and was struck by a car and went on to meet our Heavenly Father. I have been taught to never question why God does what he does, but when a child is taken so young from such a loving family, one can't help but ask why....why? A parent should never have to bury their child much less a 3 year old who had so much to live for. He brought so much joy to everyone who followed him. His gorgeous long, red curly hair and big smile will forever be apart of our IG family's memory. So, in memory of Ryan who is now an angel up in is my little angel who I pray will bring as much joy to everyone around her as I know this little guy did. Thank you again who shot the most gorgeous photographs of baby Natalia. We went for a vintage theme and I couldn't be more happy with the way they turned out, you are just one talented friend! Thank you, thank you, thank you! 

Can you believe this gorgeous smile!? The angels must have been tickling her patitas!

Angela and I are convinced she looks like a baby grandma LoL 

My sweet angel...may the Lord keep you forever safe
 She was so good during the entire shoot...just so peaceful

 I ADORE this picture...

I see that smirk lil mama

 Naked baby booty is everything!

I can't express the patience Angela has with newborns. She did Mia's newborn portraits and there was no doubt in my mind that I wanted her to shoot Natalia's. She's so gentle, rocks the babes to sleep like a total baby whisperer. I wish I could hire her to be my nanny LOL if you're looking for a rad, professional photographer...she's the one! 
Click on link below for contact information

Photographs c/o Angela Garmendia Photography

In Memory of Ryan Saldana

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